Learn the Gentle Art of the Japanese Tea Ceremony in NYC


Would you love to experience the serenity of a tea ceremony but don’t have the means to travel to Asia? Good news! Now there’s no need to travel since tea ceremonies are happening worldwide. In fact, locations like the Urasenke Chanoyu Center in New York have been teaching the art of tea for decades.

Here, tea lovers can receive a full education on the tea ceremony from learning about lacquer, flower arranging, calligraphy and of course preparing the tea.

Similar to martial arts, tea mastery takes several years, encompassing all aspects from the philosophy to the language itself. Students can usually achieve basic certification within one or two years of training, but master accreditation could take a lifetime!

For those wanting a quick glance, the Center offers tea demonstrations, allowing a bird’s eye view into the serene world of Japanese tea.

Tea ceremony offers New Yorkers respite from bustling lives


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