Tea A-Z Featuring “B”


Tea terminology can be mind-bogglingly complex, too. Which is why we have Tea A-Z, a guide to deciphering both common and completely bewildering concepts from the world of tea. Let’s dive in!

A type of bitter citrus fruit. The essential oil extracted from the rind is what gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavor.

A toasty, pleasant taste that’s reminiscent of cookies or baked goods. Assam teas are often biscuity.

An unpleasant, sharp taste that often comes from steeping a tea for too long.

Bitter Tea
A traditional Kashmiri tea preparation that involves boiling tea in a copper pot and then adding red potash, salt, and anise. The resulting tea is bright pink.

Black Tea
Any tea that has been thoroughly oxidized and fermented before being fired. The preparation of black teas takes several days, as the leaves have to ferment, dry, and be roasted, in addition to being rolled or otherwise processed. Black tea has the darkest color, strongest flavor, and highest caffeine level of the common tea types.

A mixture of teas, rather than one “pure” tea. This might be teas from different regions, as in English Breakfast, or a mixture of tea leaves with other ingredients, including herbs, spices, and flavorings.


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